Fixing Mold Problems

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“Fixing Mold Problems.

When you see or smell mold or it keeps coming back, it is the building owner’s job to find and fix the water problem causing it to grow.

The building owner must also get rid of the mold.

The California Department of Public Health, or CDPH, recommends that building owners use the EPA, or Environmental Protection Agency’s, “A Brief Guide to Mold, Moisture and Your Home,” available for free online.

The EPA’s Guide includes information on:

  • Safe mold clean up,
  • When to consult a professional,
  • How to deal with damp or moldy materials, and
  • How to prevent new mold growth.

To clean mold off hard surfaces that do not soak up liquids, CDPH recommends scrubbing with soap and water, instead of using bleach products.

Bleach is toxic and can harm health. It is not necessary to use it for cleaning mold.

When water gets into drywall, rugs, or other soft materials that soak up liquids, they usually need to be thrown away, whether or not you see mold growing.

For more information, see the next videos in this series.

Visit the California Department of Public Health’s website,, for information about mold in the home.”

Bleach is toxic and can harm health. It is not necessary to use it for cleaning mold.” – Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the California Department of Public Health, Video “Fixing Mold Problems,” November 7, 2022
The Mold in the Home Video Series is created by the Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the California Department of Public Health.


Series: “Mold in the Home Video Series is created by the Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the California Department of Public Health. It is designed to answer basic questions about mold in the home using plain language in English and Spanish.”

This Video: “An animated fifth video in the 6-part Mold in the Home Video Series. It explains how building owners can find resources to fix water and dampness problems that can cause mold in the home to grow.”

Produced and published by the Environmental Health Investigations Branch of the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). Published November 7, 2022.